Competitive Golf and friendships for a lifetime!

Are you ready to add a whole new dimension to the game of golf? Do you crave competition on the golf course but lack those who challenge you? Want more golf mates?  If your answer is yes, then the solution is the PCCMA (Painesville Country Club Men’s Association).  

Competitive golf (handicapped so everyone is in the game) is FUN! It’s also one of the absolute best ways to develop your skills while simultaneously getting an awesome new golf family who love the game and build each other up. If you’re only playing with marginal golfers or racquetball partners who don’t know the difference between an albatross and a snowman, it’s time to take the next step (and if you didn’t know either, you will soon). Opportunity awaits; PCCMA is made just for YOU!

With 60+ members on the roster, you’re sure to find that kindred spirit who thinks a round of golf consists of 18 holes and using every club in your bag.  The competitive spirit lives here and will drive your handicap lower and your enthusiasm higher!  By the end of the season you will be a veteran and more versed on the rules of golf than ever before. Hang out after the events and get to know the members, bar is always open.

PCCMA events are typically every third weekend so you’ll have plenty of time for other commitments!  You won’t want to miss an event but, if your brother won’t reschedule his wedding, there’s no penalty for missing an event (other than missed point opportunities!) Of course, you can always ask for an early tee time and get your 18 in before donning that tux!

Top off the season by earning enough points for the annual Ryder Cup!  It’s competition at its BEST!  Red against Blue team in a two-day event that puts players head-to-head.  To the victors go the spoils and drink your fill from the Ryder Cup chalice.  A time honored tradition shared by all team members and their captain!  Make this be YOUR year by becoming a part of the PCCMA!

PCCMA Information Booklet

2022 PCCMA Schedule

2021 Ryder Cup Team

Back row standing: Bob Wareham, Vance Moore, Hunter Osolin, Todd Kauppila, Shawn Shenker, Dan Walsh, Rob Sidley, Ed Sheridan, Bob Colo, Tim Bieder Front Row: Don Boslett, Captain-Dave Hanlon, Chris Zinn, Mike Gillespie










Successful Event Planning!

There’s no need to feel overwhelmed when it comes to planning a golf outing.  You don’t need to be an experienced golfer, and with the right tools, you can run a successful event.  We have partnered with many events here at Painesville Country Club and look forward to helping your event succeed too!

Whether you are raising funds, hosting a company event, or just having fun with friends and family, the key to a successful event is planning, and we can help you out with a checklist you can download at the end of this page.

So, where does one start?  

First, Set your goals and purpose for your event.

This could be anything from customer or employee appreciation, fundraising for charity, family reunions, brand recognition.  Not all golf outings are about raising funds.  Just make sure your golfers are getting value for their buck!

Form a committee and decide on their responsibilities.

       Members who have strong connections in the community are your best source for finding sponsors.  Others may be great promoters or able to recruit volunteers. Use their strengths and and stay in touch by setting meeting times. Keep your meetings consistent so that everyone stays informed and motivated!

Set a date and secure tee times at the golf course

        If your first choice is not available, try to have an alternate date or time in mind.  Do you want your event on a weekday which may require many having to take off work for the day, or a weekend which could take away from family or sporting events.  Identify conflicting events which could reduce attendance. Choose the date and time that will give the most return on attendees!


What does the golf course require and allow?

       Every golf course has a different set of guidelines.  Your questions might be:  What is required for a shotgun start? What is the difference between a shotgun and a modified shotgun? What holes will they start on?  Does the golf course require a deposit?

What happens if it rains? What are our food choices or can we bring in a caterer? Can I bring my own beer/alcohol? When do you need final numbers?  Who will set out our sponsor signs? Etc.

All questions that can be answered by your contact at the golf course!


Start securing Donations and Sponsors for your event

       To insure brand recognition, sponsors should receive signage at the event and in the event program.  Also remember to say thank you at your awards presentation. Start early on recruiting sponsors.  Use your committee’s connections in the community to let businesses and organizations know about the exposure and brand recognition they will receive at your event.  Let them know about your event’s purpose and what funds will be used for.

Make up a list of potential golfers and Open Registration

       Get the word out to golfers.  Use social media, set up a website and Facebook event page, mail invites, etc. Use email to send out event information and teasers to increase interest in your event.  Don’t let them forget about your event and encourage them to sign up!

Food & Beverage

       Decide on food choices.  Whether the golf course caters your event or an outside caterer, do not leave this until the last moment.  Learn about fees the course charges for using an outside caterer.  If someone in your organization does not golf but would like to be a part of your event, try suggesting donating lunch or dinner for your event.   Include signage at the event and at the meal.

Tournament Prizes & Games

       There are so many choices here, but remember to stay within budget in order to meet your goals.  Do you want to make sure everyone has a parting gift?  How many winners and runners-up places will receive a tournament prize?  Hole events?  How Many?  So many choices and the golf course can help you to decide what holes make for the best results.

Some events favor a “Super Ticket” which encompassed all the events into one package for ease of payment during check-in on event day!

There are many choices for money games too.  Some will create revenue for you and others are for the competitive golfers that may want a skins game.  Ask us for ideas!


It is so important to have additional help on the day of the event.  Assign duties to others so as to free up the demand on your time as coordinator.  Use volunteers to check in golfers, collect for money games and raffles, setting up auctions, and most important of all, clean-up following your event.

Keep in mind that you want to keep them busy and not bored.  Remember, having volunteers stay all day with nothing to do till dinner will not bring them back for an annual event!  You may want to consider morning and afternoon volunteers.

Following the Tournament

Make necessary payments to golf course and caterer.  Reconcile finances and compile a summary of results.

Send thank you notes to a whole slew of people (very important!).  The list should include: sponsors, vendors, participants, volunteers, committee members, etc…

NOW Let’s get Started…..

Your event can be memorable and fun!  Remember, Painesville C.C. will help you with your event planning and organization.  So contact us today and download your free event planning checklist!


12th Annual BC Chili Open – October 12, 2019 – 10:00 am Shotgun

Attention Golfers, come to the BC Chili Open for all kinds of surprises! Build a 4-person scramble team made up, men & women, it doesn’t matter, however you must perform the walk of shame unless you have a woman on you team!  All male teams that do not have a woman on them must don specially selected attire for their group picture!

Entry Fee for this event is $10.00 per golfer, plus greens fees!  Look for an event on EVERY hole!  Golfers rush to enter the Chili Open every year! Regardless of what kind of golf you play, the Chili Open is the place you want to be on October 12th, so go for the gold and bring home those special golden thrones as a prize! No, I won’t spoil the surprise, you’ll just have to enter to find out.

Good weather or bad we are going to play!  Look at the stories you will have to share until next year’s annual event!

The fun doesn’t stop on the golf course!  Can you cook? Chili contest be calling your name if you know what I mean! Our chili contest will warm you up by eating delicious chili! But first, select someone from your team to act as one of the judges for the many crock-pots of chili. Once the judges have voted, then dig in, warm up and eat to your hearts content.  Chili winner receives a cash prize and bragging rights!

Golfers always have a grand good time at the Chili Open and it’s the main reason it was started in the first place!  All day long you can hear laughter, see people smiling ear to ear, and kicking back after golf and eating their fill!

Don’t get left sitting at home, instead join us for the game at Painesville Country Club!  


DONT DO THIS!!!Let’s be clear. Your father neither wants nor needs another tie, shirt or any other trinket for Father’s Day. Thankfully there is an ideal gift for Father’s Day and the good news is that the shopping could not be any easier. What Dads want is TIME.

First, he wants time with YOU. Not in a big group or over a quick meal, but meaningful time together. The golf course is the best place to make that time. All you need to do is to book a tee time now. by clicking the picture below:

Click Picture above to Book a Tee Time!

Second, Dads need some “me” time. We’ve got you covered there too. A Gift Certificate for golf is the perfect way to ensure your Dad gets some needed down time. Click below to access our online store to set him up today!

Click Picture above for Online Store!

A few weeks ago on earth day, we encouraged you to PLAY GOLF and leave the tree planting to us. Well, we kept up our end and have planted 160 trees since then. Now, don’t worry, each tree was meticulously spotted to be certain that none will interfere with your next golf shot (well, mostly)! Truthfully, as surprising as it seems, many won’t even notice the additions.

Ok, it has been suggested that maybe, just maybe, there are enough tress out on the golf course already. So, it’s fair to ask, “Why plant so many more?” As it turns out, there is something green that you don’t want on a golf course. The Emerald Ash Borer has been reeking havoc on our ash trees – you can see their dead and weakened outlines in almost every area of the county.

Additionally, many of the older pine trees are nearing the end of their lives and we want be proactive about establishing the next generation of trees for the next generation of players.

Now for some GOOD NEWS! The cool, wet March weather that crashed the first half of May is OUT of here! It is going to be warm and sunny this week. Take advantage and book a tee time NOW!

Once upon a time…before the trees grew in!